thoughts in critique
-if it exists, it is valid (a good reason to do, say, or think anything) -addendum: in being valid, a thing that exists is solely valid,...

35mm photos of a most dear found chair from september 2016. peak summer, peak beauty.

good stuff: magnetic fields, strange powers
our hair in the air our lips blue from cotton candy when we kiss it feels like a flying saucer landing
this heart grows tired (when matters are close)
either damage me completely or love me completely i'm exhausted from this poison in between

timely words
it's now

last sunday
in between third and fourth street (so many beautiful things can happen in half a moment)

I recently made a collage! And that collage will be in a show! Specifically, Space B's TOUGH LOVE show! It opens this Thursday, February...

breakfast in fascist america
This series came to fruition in the strangest circumstances; a few fateful and absurd events inspired this body of work. On the day...